A recent fusion ignition test at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is being hailed as a major step forward in the development of clean, fusion-powered generators which could one day meet the world’s energy needs without producing harmful waste and emissions.
National lab partnership aims to enhance fusion energy production
Researchers at Texas A&M University have partnered with scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to improve the quality of materials used in human-made fusion energy experiments.
Using embedded markers to secure manufacturing supply chains
Advanced manufacturing provides increased access to product replication and the agility to pivot when product needs change. SecureAmerica Institute partners are developing techniques to embed unique markers in 3D-printed products to identify counterfeit production.
How 5G can make the manufacturing industry safer and more efficient
Messages like, “This item is unavailable due to quality recalls and supply chain disruptions,” are becoming a common occurrence for customers of many businesses in the United States. To help solve this problem, 5G technology is poised to offer manufacturers the ability to make rapid, real-time decisions — bridging existing gaps in the nation’s industrial base.
Making factories smarter: A crash course in digital transformation
What’s driving smarter factories? It’s a long list that includes drivers for specific business and “for the greater good” benefits, like better managing/addressing energy and materials consumption, carbon intensity, environmental sustainability, climate change, and public safety.